In: Amazon will be at ITEXPO, Florida
February 8, 2018

We are extremely happy, delighted and excited to be attending ITEXPO 2018 – as speakers and panelists. Eric Klein and Nir…

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GreenfieldTech at Kamailio World Conference & Exhibition
March 7, 2017

May 8-10, 2017 in Berlin, Germany Come hear GreenfieldTech’s Nir Simionovich present at Kamailio World. ♦ Scaling VoIP – The AWS Advantage…

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Carrier Services Virtualization
February 5, 2017

At GreenfieldTech we are passionate about creating new exciting things. We love the thrill of going into the wild, and challenging…

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Telephony Fraud – Still going strong
January 9, 2017

(Cross posted from Who would believe, in the age of Skype, Whatsapp and Facebook – telephony fraud, one of the most…

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Building an Asterisk based business: Part III
April 6, 2014

In our previous posts we’ve examined a specific segment of the Asterisk Business eco-system – the long distance calling services (calling cards, callback, etc). While we’ve examined 2 specific models of operation, indicating the pros and cons of this business case – we shall now talk not about a specific case, but more about the requirements for building a specific type of voip business.

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Extreme Asterisk Cloud Performance – Part II
September 12, 2013

So, you are interested to know – how many calls can a server running on Amazon EC2 can actually handle? Well,…

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Extreme Asterisk Cloud Performance – Part I
January 3, 2013

Here’s a challenging question for the Asterisk technical savvy of you… What is the top performance you can squeeze out of…

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How well does Asterisk perform with VMWARE?
September 16, 2011

Everybody these days are big into cloud computing – be it due to cost constraints, hype requirements or simply because you…

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Corona Friendly Business