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As usually, we will be speaking at Astricon this October, it is being held in Orlando

Rather than just our normal 2 attendees, this year we have 4 people presenting on a range of topics. You can find us giving the following presentations

Wednesday, October 14

10:00 am to 10:35 am

From PHPAGI to PHPARI by Nir Simonovich

1:45 pm to 2:20 pm

ARI: Fast & Secured ARI on Client Side by Or Polaczek


Thursday, October 15

10:00 am to 10:35 am

Telecom Fraud and Law: Year in Review by Eric Klein

11:40 am to 12:15 pm 

ARI Panel: A chance to ask questions of those who have been working with the ARI with Nir Simonovich, Gaston Draque, Matt Jordan

2:25 pm to 3:00 pm

Adding VoIP to a Mobile App by Arik Halperin


If you would like to meet with us, or discuss the post Astricon trip we are coordinating to visit NASA at the Kennedy Space Center please send an email to Eric.

Astricon 2015  I'm speaking